Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Down to business

Tool training on my board last night. Seconds later I wiped out flat on my back and spent the rest of the session rolling around trying to get some wind back in my lungs. Need more mattage!

I’m gradually getting used to my home board with nightly sessions after work. It’s the best thing since sliced bread. My cadre of project problems is getting big and vaired enough now to get the strength gains coming although I must admit I find endurance circuits harder than training on real routes (but still the way to go - just need decent music and a nice circuit).

I’m trying to mix in my training for the winter season and making a little progress with fitness and technique with tools, although I feel that I’ve only just got started here. Doing both is feeling hard on the body, which is demanding an extra hour of sleep per night. So that’s one less hour working on my book, but such is life. 

The weather man is saying November is going to be warm so it looks like I’ve got time to generate some decent gains in time for the arrival of white frosty stuff plastering Scottish mountains. Brilliant to have my winter project as a clear focus for the season, and a good scene of Lochaber strong-men to share training with. Some are suffering for their art a little too much at times - check out big Al’s skull damage here.

Wasted arms, big smile. Time for a cup of tea.


  1. Looks good that board of yours. Would be interesting to see your training schedule; what kind of climbing/holds, at which intensity, for how long, etc.

  2. Any chance you could put the design of the board online, with some photos / schematics of the holds? It would be great to see what you're using to train!

    Thanks for the blog - great reading.

  3. I think that Ratho are in the process of renewing the matting around the boulders. Sure you'll know some folk down there, might be worth asking.

  4. Your board is done in such good style. My wife might even let it in the house!

    So I'm thinking the major difference between hard sport climbing and hard dry-tooling is... socks.

  5. What angle is the board at? Looks ace.

  6. Likewise I'd love to see how you made the wall, looks like it takes minimum space.

    thanks for the great blog and all your help.
