Friday 2 July 2010

Video stills from Indian Face

I just got home from Wales after a stop off in Glasgow. Man it’s good to be in my own house after three weeks almost continuously on the road around the UK. Here are a few video stills from our footage of Indian Face.

Micro stopper ready for a quickfire placement. I placed all the gear on lead (goes without saying these days I know, but a few folk are still pre-placing) and getting the RPs seated perfectly and quickly in their placements was one of the biggest elements to prepare for. The route is definitely a tiny bit safer now Black Diamond’s micro stoppers have a much higher breaking strength. My dad’s jewellery files came in handy for filing the micros down to fit the placements just right.

Starting nervously up the hard climbing, not really finding my focus just yet.

Lovely piece of wall, eh?

Resting tired feet at the good hold.

A nasty barn door move, mid crux section. Dawes swapped feet for this move and so could move the left hand in balance. I felt the foot swap was a bit awkward and had potential for a mistake, so did it this way. But I was worried an easterly wind during the move might make the move impossible. It was westerly, so it was no problem.

About to start the crux. Photo: Tom Kirby


  1. Anonymous02 July, 2010

    Some people still pre-placing eh? Some people are still headpointing!

  2. Tom Harding02 July, 2010

    Nice to see the photos Dave. I noticed your carrying quite a lot of gear with you, did it all get placed? Would you care to give an rouge gear list, it would help put the protection in perspective a bit.


  3. Anonymous02 July, 2010

    Stunning photos, can't wait to see the film! I notice you're using 3 ropes on lead (!) - what was your thinking behind this?

