Saturday 12 December 2009

9 out of 10 climbers has arrived

Stock of my book has arrived with us and we are dispatching it now. Hope you enjoy the read and it helps get you to the next level in your climbing!

Some of you commented on my last post asking how long copies take to arrive in the US. We dispatch by Royal Mail (via airmail if it’s outside the UK). Their estimations for delivery times are here. They quote within 3 working days for Europe and within 5 for the US. It’s always an estimation of course. We are dispatching same day right up to Christmas.


  1. Great news, I wish I never saw this post, so I'd be surprised when it arrived - I wasn't expecting it to come for quite some time!

    Looking forward to reading it and hopefully get it signed when you come to TCA in January. Cheers


  2. Hi

    Is their much on mixed/dry tooling specific training?

  3. Hi Dave,

    Just finished the book (English Lit student) and I have to offer a massive thank-you for writing this, it's incredibly helpful. I've filled it full of post-its at places where you're describing a bad habit and I just thought "Shit, that's me!" and an associated Word Document relating the general suggested solutions to my own climbing.

    The sheer practical knowledge and experiance you've got is obvious, I don't think there's a single climber in the world who won't find themselves wincing as you describe a bad habit or thought process as though you've been watching them climb for years.

    I think this is one of the most important climbing books out there: if, like me, you've spent your climbing career psyched but confused, this puts into plain words where you're going wrong and how to put it right. There's nothing too complicated to understand, and nothing too obscure to mentally write off as personally irrelevant.

    I will say that if you're a regular devotee of the blog and have attended one of Dave's training lectures, a good chunk of the basic ideas will be familiar, but having it compiled and organised is still incredibly useful.


  4. Hey,

    I've also just finished the book (not an English lit student and I only got home from a full days work at 5pm ;-))

    I'd say this book has more of a philisophical theme, so don't expect too much detail regarding technique. (Not that the book claimed to contain this information, anyway).

    There is a nice little section on use of momentum which I predict people will find useful. Momentum is my best kept secret and the only reason I climb the same level as some of my stronger friends!

    The book is as described and acts as a guide to help you manage the bigger picture of your climbing career instead of focusing on smaller section, such as strength training.

    As Ben said, much of the thinking has been covered in Dave's blogs (in less detail), but the value of having it compiled in a logical order will clearly be invaluable for some of the less dedicated to researching climbing. I almost feel cheated that I've spent all this time compiling much of the information covered, when I could of waited for this book!

    Nice work Dave.


  5. Excellent book i think. Really gives you a lot to think about and do. I think there's a lot more than covered on this blog. I reckon this will really help a lot of people improve at climbing dramatically

  6. I just received my copy through the mail! I really have to hold back not to read the book in one go. I'm enjoying every second of it: pure gold!

  7. Amazing book! very good. Thanks a lot! can't put it down..
